Sunday, July 6

It's finally here ... 50 at last.

A friend loaned me a book called "i'm too young to be this damn old". From it a few gems in honor of the day!

I must be getting old. People are beginning to tell me I look so young! (L M Montgomery)

Forty is the old age of youth - but FIFTY is the youth of old age! (French proverb)

Don't think of it as 'wrinkles'. Think of it as 'relaxed fit skin'.

The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and you are not decrepit enough to turn them down. (TS Elliot)

Man fools himself. He prays for a long life and he fears old age. (Chinese proverb)

It is never too late - in fiction or in life - to revise! (Nancy Thayer)

It is hard to feel 'middle-aged' because how can you know how long you are going to live? (Mignon McLaughlin)

'It is quite useless to discuss questions of age with old people, they have such peculiar ideas on the subject. "Not really old at all, only seventy" you hear them saying! (Nancy Mitford)

And my favorite one so far: At fifty, the mad woman in the attic breaks free, stomps down the stairs and sets fire to the house. She won't be imprisoned any more! (Erica Jong)

Soooo ... without any further ado: Happy 50th Birthday to ME!

1 comment:

R.J. Keller said...

I am so sorry I missed your special day yesterday!!! A thousand flogs on me. Here it is, albeit a day late (and by the time you read it it'll be TWO days too two thousand flogs upon me): Happy birthday!!!!!

And I LOVE that Erica Jong quote. She rocks so hard...