Friday, May 30

Signs of the Times

One of my favourite genres for both books and movie is the end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it scenario. Deep Impact, The Day After (and The Day After Tomorrow), I Am Legend, The Day of the Triffids, and a hundred and one other sci-fi novels about the end of civilisation and 'what happens afterwards'.

But what would it be like if one of those scenarios were to play out in my life time? Even maybe within the next few years, maybe? When we look at what's going on in the world today, it can get a little scary. It can get a LOT scary, in fact. So what exactly is going on, then?

Population explosion - we're almost at 6,9 billion now.
Sky-rocketing food prices leading to people dying of starvation.
Sky-rocketing fuel prices leading to all kinds of knock-on effects.
Global warming leading to ....
Environmental damage that might be irreparable - deforestation, ozone layer holes etc.
Increasing amount and size of natural disasters - Katrina, the 2006 tsunami, the Burmese cyclone, the Chinese earthquake ....

Where will it end?

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