Thursday, May 22

Grovel, grovel, grovel ...

Last night, I totally put my foot in it with my darlin' daughter.

A couple of weeks ago, she told me that she and her friend Lana* would be going to the library after school and Lana would be giving her some tutoring in Life Science. (Lana is a very bright gal!) So last night my gal says to me that today, after school, her friend Jo* (another bright girl) would be coming home with her to work on Physical Science. I was a leetle bitty distracted at the time (watching something on TV) and so I say: 'That's so cool, darling. I'm glad you've got such great friends to tutor you in all this stuff.'

A deafening silence ensues, loud enough to make me realize something is badly wrong. I glance over at her and see her staring at me in that teenagerish fashion - rolling her eyes without actually moving them - so I say: "What? What?"

"Actually, mom," she says, "I'm going to be tutoring her."

Luckily for me, my gal is a wonderful person and accepted my groveling very graciously.

** not their real names

1 comment:

R.J. Keller said...

LOL! Well, I guess it's easy for me to laugh, being halfway around the world.

"staring at me in teenagerish fashion."

My eleven-year-old daughter already does that. I fear and dread her teenage years. ;-)