Sunday, September 2

All about Heath.

Time to come out of the closet in another area, lol.

Last year, for the first time ever, I fell in love with a movie star. I became a fan. A Heath fan. A Heath Ledger fan, to be precise, although I much prefer the word "admirer" - fan makes me sound about 16 years old... which isn't altogether a bad thing! :-)

For those who don't know, Heath has starred in, amongst other films, The Patriot, Brokeback Mountain, Casanova and Candy and is currently filming the upcoming Batman sequel, The Dark Knight, in which he plays The Joker. I hang out now and then at Heath Ledger Central, which is run by my friend Theresa, who is a close friend of Heath's. I had the pleasure earlier this year of exchanging PM's with Heath, who is an supremely talented actor as well as a decent, sincere, funny and genuinely nice man.

So this weekend in Heath-world, there was good news and bad news. The good news was that my friend Amy was on holiday in NYC for a few days and when she stepped out of the door one day, who should be standing a few feet away but the man himself! (She recognized him by his tattoos first of all, as he was mostly incognito behind red Ray Bans and a rather odd hat!) So she went and introduced herself and got a wonderful picture on her camera phone. She says this about him:

"But he is so very softspoken and polite and nervous -- he giggled a bit as I was trying to maintain my composure while saying stupid things blah blah blah. I still cannot believe it happened -- I actually met Heath!!!"

But the sad news is that Heath and his partner Michelle Williams, whom he met on the set of Brokeback Mountain, are now officially separated. Their baby girl Matilda is only 23 months old. My little daughter was just short of two when I got divorced and in hindsight, if you have to have a break up, it is much better to make the break when the kids are still young. My son, who was five at the time, had a much harder time of it--my daughter seemed to just go with the flow.... but still, I'm sad for him that it had to happen at all. I wish him lots of peace and strength .

Heath and Matilda at Disneyland a few weeks ago.
Pic from Celebrity Baby Blog

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